NDIS Support

How our Safety Link Assist Team
can support NDIS Participants

If you would like to receive the benefit of our services, we encourage you to complete and sign a Service Agreement Form form and the Schedule of Supports form. If you have any queries when completing your Service Agreement and/or Schedule of Supports form, please do not hesitate to contact our team on 1800 995 009.

For plans with a start date prior to 01/11/2023 please use this Schedule of Supports form.

Once we receive your Service Agreement for and Schedule of Supports form they will be kept on file, meaning that we will be able to respond quickly when you contact us.


If the funding for the Supports you require are:

NDIA managed:   As long as you have the supports and funding available in your Plan, we will create a Service Booking and claim directly from your NDIS Participant Plan via the NDIA Provider Portal.

Plan-managed: As long as you have the supports and funding available in your Plan, we will forward invoices to your nominated Plan Manager who will arrange payment.

Self-managed: We will request payment from you, before we are able to arrange your supports

We are committed to ensuring a seamless process for NDIS Participants, providing direct access to our Safety Link Assist team, to support you with all of your equipment, product, repair and hire needs – please phone our team on 1800 995 009 between 8.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. Monday to Friday.

  • Contact us to discuss our broad range of available Continence Products.
  • If you require an emergency after-hours equipment repair please contact 1800 995 009 and select option ‘1’ any time (24/7 – 365 days per year) where our ‘on call’ team member can support you in addressing your emergency situation/repair 
  • If you have any feedback regarding our service please visit our ‘providing feedback’ page here 

In delivering services to NDIS Participants we acknowledge & understand our obligations under the NDIS code of conduct  https://www.ndiscommission.gov.au/providers/ndis-code-conduct


Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs)

Our team has over a decade of experience in the disability sector, and is known for providing quality equipment and products to enhance community participation for all consumers accessing our service.
DLOs can support our consumers with disability, their carers and our staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.  For more information please visit Grampians Health Ballarat website https://www.bhs.org.au/services-and-clinics/ndis-disability-liaison-officer/